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FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

A preview/review for this/last season

Well I’m not sure if you people even read my reviews, but I’ll keep writing them anyway because that’s what I do. With the old year ending and 2010 in its earliest stages, one way to get out of the cold and kill a couple hours of your life is to go to the movies. Believe me when I say there is a plethora of titles out there that are sure to please. Out of sheer boredom, I saw four movies over break, none of which disappointed me. I watched the first attempt of biological warfare, a young man overcome poverty, racial discrimination, and learning disabilities. I witnessed a man step outside his realm of isolation for a chance at love only to have his heart torn apart. I rooted for the destruction of mankind, and saw one of the most beautifully created and original worlds to ever grace the silver screen. Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes is a tale of man who sees what others do not. Robert Downey Jr. plays this conceited, brilliant man with ease. He turns the beloved character of old into an action hero and a demented man who seems to resent law enforcement even though he is responsible for the imprisonment of many of the top notch criminals who previously roamed the streets of London. The writers even found a way to incorporate a love story in this film between Holmes and, ironically, possibly the world’s most elite criminal. This movie kept me interested with its unpredictable plot twists. The answer to the mystery eluded me until Holmes himself explained the success behind the attempted destruction of Parliament by a dooms day machine, which uses weaponized chemicals to slaughter royalty. This attack would have left England vulnerable to evil rule. Did I mention that Jude Law was his Watson? Now you’ll want to go see it. The Blindside The Blindside is a heartwarming real-life story of a young man who works through poverty, race, and difficulties with school in order to graduate with a GPA good enough to play football for ‘Ole Miss. Michael Oher, aka “Big Mike,” played by Quinton Aaron, gave a magnificent performance and mastered his character with the use of his actions and mannerisms working with the few lines he is dealt. He is taken in by a rich, white family who gives him a place to sleep and another chance at life. The films ends in a way that left me with a feeling of elation and satisfaction that most movies fail to do. Up in the Air A surprising leader of the pack this movie season is Up in the Air . The ever entertaining George Clooney once again outdoes himself, portraying a character hell-bent on obtaining 10,000,000 flier miles to be only the 7 th person in history to do so and also the youngest. Clooney’s character Ryan Bingham is a deep individual who chooses to spend his life on the road, cutting him off from the rest of the world. The storyline left me wondering about the origins of his past, yet they aren’t revealed through the movie. It seems that Ryan has a revelation that maybe, just maybe, life is better with company. He finds a woman on the road that is as equally disturbed as him and has a strange relationship with her, meeting in certain cities. After his sister’s wedding he starts to think that he may finally be ready to settle down, but he discovers a secret that will shatter his new reality. Avatar Last and, oh God, certainly not the least is Avatar . This may be the greatest movie I have ever seen. I say that with no exaggeration. The setting of this story is on the distant planet Pandora in the year 2154. Humans have destroyed their home planet and are in search of precious minerals on Pandora, which has a rich supply. This land is the most beautifully created piece of art to ever grace the silver screen. I entered the theater not knowing what to expect and a little frustrated that I had just paid $11 for a ticket for some movie I had no idea about. I was soon proved wrong. I was instantly captivated by the raw beauty and originality of this alien world. The special effects were amazing, the story line heart-wrenching, and the acting phenomenal. Even though there wasn’t a cast of A-list actors, they gave a performance I don’t believe I have ever seen in the cinemas. I don’t think I have ever rooted for the destruction of my own species, but after seeing the purity of the local people, and the corruption of my fellow man, I found myself reveling in the retaliation of the locals. As the humans perished in the film, I felt a rush of adrenaline as the 3D world exploded around me and the human invaders were killed off like the savages we are. Please: if you see one movie in the next few weeks, go see Avatar. And don’t be cheap: pay the extra couple of bucks for the 3D experience. It’s so worth it. Oh, by the way, it’s three hours long, so don’t make plans that afternoon. With all these movies, I feel almost selfish wanting more, but there is one more title that caught my eye that I haven’t as of yet had the opportunity to see. Daybreakers is to be a refreshing twist to the vampire genre that has been overplayed for the last couple years with the emergence of the Twilight Saga. I was there for the release of 30 Days of Night , and was entertained by the bloodshed of my fellow man by ruthless killing machines in the Alaskan Wasteland. The reactions of the audience may have been more entertaining than the movie itself. The cries of fear from some while others laughed intrigued me. Daybreakers seems to shed a civil light upon the vampire race as they debate how to approach the end of their race due to the lacking in supply of human blood because of our dwindling population. I would recommend any of these movies, but if you are only going to chose one, make it Avatar . This movie won over my heart with its beauty and raw emotion. I would love to see it again on the big screen, and I will, without a doubt, be buying the BlueRay the second it hits store shelves. If at all possible go see this one in an iMax or in 3D.