Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Marriage: happy ever after or happy it never happened?

Divorce: The past tense of marriage. Why? Because once you get married you stop trying to love your significant other. Once you stop trying, you lose those special feelings you had at the beginning. Then what happens? Divorce. What a horrible thing that is. You lose half of everything you worked for in your life, including your money, your house, your car, and possibly even your children. Why then, would you have the need to legally be with the person you love? Why not just have a life promise? And if things don’t work out you can just leave without losing everything else that you had. I believe that marriage is a tradition that will eventually pass simply because more and more people are choosing not to be legally bonded to someone. What many of us don’t realize is that there is an alarming number of divorces that occur in the United States alone. 50 percent of first marriages alone end in divorce. For second marriages, the number jumps to 60 percent. Personally, I will never choose to get married, because just about every marriage I have ever seen has failed. I wouldn’t want that for myself or my children, if I ever have any. I would rather just be with someone and trust that we could stay together and not have to worry about legally being a couple. Marriage is just a mistake that I think too many people make.