Paranormal or paranoid?

Students divided as skeptics and true believers

When most people think about Halloween, the first things they think about are: trick-or-treating, candy, “ABC Family’s 13 Nights of Halloween” and haunted houses. However, most people do tend to become distracted by the fake facades of this dark-rooted holiday, others see past the scary masks, latex and fake blood and ponder the more “realistic” aspects of Halloween, such as the existence of ghosts. Spectres, also known as ghosts, are an ancient idea that a person’s spirit lives on after death.
Ghosts have been a part of history for centuries. The first account of any ghostly activity was in the first century A.D. during the heyday of the Roman Empire. The accounts were from a great Roman author and statesman, Pliny the Elder. He was famously known for his letters where he proclaimed that the spector of an old man with a long beard and rattling chains, was haunting his house in Athens. This would mean ghosts have been a part of written history since the Roman Empire over 2,000 years ago.
However, not all ghosts are just unknown lost souls. Some places are said to be haunted by famous people of our past. For example, The White House is supposedly home to the spirit of our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln ever since his tragic death on April 15, 1865.
Today people have mixed feelings about ghosts, whether it’s because of religion, experiences, or even lack thereof.
“I do not believe in ghosts. I believe that all people move on to a different place,” Sophomore Ian Moran said.
Many people who do believe in ghosts, have most likely experienced a ghost for themselves. Common encounters that people have are close family members that have passed visiting them from beyond. Many people claim that they are coming back to check up on them or to watch over them to make sure they’re safe.
“My late grandmother passed away last January and I took it very hard. Well, one night I was at my friends graduation project and I was like ‘Oh gram I miss you, wish I could see you.’ Then I looked over to one of the doors and I saw her,” Sophomore Hannah Kosela said.
“I think my grandfather watches over me whenever I need help or I’m in danger,” Senior Jennifer Belair said.
Whether you are a believer or not when it comes to the paranormal, there are countless accounts and stories throughout all of history. A lot of people feel they need to “see to believe” and with the subject being “transparent people”, that comes with a lack of viable proof. The best evidence is blurry poor quality or debunked by natural forces.
No matter the stance on the idea, if anyone wants to see a ghost for themselves or maybe just have some Halloween fun, they can visit many locations in Pennsylvania including Carnegie Library of Homestead, Coulterville Cemetery and Dead Man’s Hollow.
Whether or not you personally believe in ghosts, the endless debate is sure to live on for centuries to come.