Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

All We Need is Love

Everyone and their mothers have relationships—from siblings, to parents, to significant others. Relationships are a very important part in life. Not only are they important, but high school relationships are fun. Who likes going to see a movie by themselves? Yeah, sooner or later, that high school “puppy love” relationship will end. Most of you are saying, “Jon, if it is going to end eventually, then why even try in the first place?” My rebuttal to that ridiculous question is: All of us are going to die sometime, so why not kill ourselves now? If that is your outlook on relationships, then I feel bad for you. Of course, there are going to be bad or hard times in any relationship, but you and your other half just need to talk it out. Talking and working out problems in the relationship are part of the fun. A lot of people who aren’t in a relationship don’t want to be in one, which could be for a lot of reasons. The majority of reasons are probably because the last relationship was horrible. If that is why you don’t want a relationship, then you just need to keep trying. You can’t give up on humanity just because of one person. Like I said earlier, relationships are fun! Having a boyfriend or girlfriend is like having a best friend who holds your hand. The best way to keep a healthy relationship is to go out and share new, exciting experiences together. Not only will you have a blast together, but it builds a strong bond between you and your other half. Relationships are like an amusement park: roller coasters are fun, and having someone there sharing the experience makes the whole thing so much better. High school relationships are something that everyone should try at least once. You never know—you could end up being with that person for the rest of your life.