Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Baseball/Softball: Fall into ‘Fall Ball’

With all the excitement of fall, some have overlooked a certain sport. Freedom High School is breaking the norm, and softball and baseball aren’t just for the springtime this year. That’s right, “Fall Ball” has been going on right under the noses of most people. Both the FHS softball and baseball teams have participated in Fall Ball games this year..
As fall isn’t exactly the season for high school baseball, they faced some issues when it came to their Fall Ball agenda. The high school baseball field was having a new infield put in, which meant the boys couldn’t practice on a field under construction. Another reason for practice problems was that the boys’ soccer team used the outfield of the baseball field for practice, causing scheduling conflicts when it came to the two teams. Despite these little mishaps, the Fall Ball season still went on.
“There’s some good young talent on the team that we’ve discovered,” Senior Aaron McSorley said. The team only played a few home games this fall, but the learning experience and team building was more of a priority than the score.
The softball team faced their own problems during their Fall Ball season as well. The biggest struggle for the girls was lack of participation because they never had any practices prior to games. New Head Coach Bill Boggs used Fall Ball as a way to assess his players and get to know them better for the spring softball season.
”I am glad I have gotten a chance to evaluate some of the players,” Coach Boggs said. “I would like to think everyone could have at least attended a minimum of one game.“
Starting in the beginning of September, the softball team played both home and away games on Sunday afternoons . For those who couldn’t make it out to play Fall Ball but are still interested in playing in the spring, Coach Boggs said that optional conditioning will begin in November and hopes to see returning faces as well as some new ones.
While these two teams seemed to have been flying under the radar this fall, they’ve still put in effort in order to prepare for their regular seasons. Keep up the hard work guys and girls!