Black and blue Friday: Shoppers need to appreciate those who work on Black Friday

Black and blue Friday: Shoppers need to appreciate those who work on Black Friday

‘Tis the season to be thankful and for many Americans, it takes less than a couple hours to forget what the meaning of Thanksgiving is. When it comes to saving money, American shoppers will go to great lengths to go and get that deal. Apparently, this includes being disrespectful and rude to the employees that are working during this event.

The Black Friday weekend generates tens of billions of dollars every year, causing stores to go all out for this event. Preparations for the Black Friday weekend starts to happen weeks in advance. Most stores prepare by advertising, stocking up on merchandise and hiring seasonal employees. Many of the part-time and seasonal employees are high school and college students. Since there are so many shoppers that weekend, every available employee is scheduled.

“I hunt for good deals. I think [Black Friday shoppers] are crazy and wild. I respect employees who work that weekend because I feel bad for them,” former Black Friday shopper, Senior Madi Daubenspeck said.

Along with going to school, doing homework and working, employees don’t need to put up with disrespect from customers. Though it’s to be in a hurry and stressed out, one shouldn’t forget that workers are people just like them, they are humans as well. Due to the fact that Black Friday generates so much money, many stores are now opening late on Thanksgiving Day. Certain chain stores open as early as 6 p.m. causing many employees to miss dinner with their family and friends. Not only that, but many employees have to get there around an hour early to set up.

Additionally, most of their Thanksgiving break is lost due to working.

“I am much happier to serve customers who treat me nicely rather to serve the customers who disrespect me. It makes my job a lot easier and less irritating,” Senior Lane Mankevich said.

But it seems like civility doesn’t matter on Black Friday weekend. Since stores have a limited supply on popular items, shoppers do what it takes to get what they want. But, what they don’t realize is that being respectful to an employee will get them what they want faster and easier. Not only does the aggressiveness of some shoppers make workers wary, it also worries other shoppers. “I don’t want to get trampled,” Senior Robbie Raso said.
Let’s make this Black Friday weekend a good one for workers. You, the reader, can help and take action. If you choose to go Black Friday shopping, respect every employee you encounter. Don’t treat them like your slave because they aren’t. Tell them “Happy Thanksgiving” and “I hope everything is going well for you.” You will make their day much less stressful!