Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Boys’ Basketball: A new coach

With such a successful fall sports season, the winter sport’s teams can only hope for the same outcome. However, there is a vast minority of sports going on in the winter here at Freedom. For one, there is only three guaranteed school affiliated sports to be played this winter. They are wrestling, and boys’ and girls’ basketball. And two, there are tons of other things happening in the winter. Although this time of year may seem like a break for most students who transition from fall sports to spring sports, it doesn’t have to be. There are tons of things going on. Others do not want to take that break and still stay active. The girls’ basketball team has remained in tact and began their usual after school practices. On the other hand, the boys’ basketball team may seem like they are in trouble. Coach Lapic, last year’s coach, had only coached one year here at Freedom. Offering one of the better basketball seasons that Freedom has seen with them winning quite a few games. Lapic resigned from the position as coach, because of the inability to fully commit his time this year. Due to Lapic’s resignation, Freedom was on the hunt for another new basketball coach. This coach would turn out to the be the senior boys third coach throughout their career. Not new to the program, Coach Tim Morgan was hired. Tim Morgan coached boys’ basketball previously and already knows the boys and the program pretty well. “I am happy that he has coached here before because he knows something about the basketball teams history,” Senior Garrett Mohrbacher said. With high hopes to bounce back off of a decent season, the boys only look for improvement. They began to practice again under the jurisdiction of their new coach, and with a little help from his son and alumnus, Cody Morgan. “[Coach Morgan] pushes us hard. He is trying to get us in shape right now and that’s what we need for a good season,” Mohrbacher said.