Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Dezz Sezz: Cries of attention get ridiculous

Jersey Shore is about eight people living in a house together to party it up every summer. They get drunk almost nightly, and to teenagers, this is the new “cool.” Even though the show is entertaining to me, I can’t believe the social media would glamorize such a thing. Lying in tanning beds for half of your life is not what will grab people’s attention, especially not here in Western Pennsylvania. I’m here to tell you that if getting tan, drunk and stupid makes you feel that people will all of a sudden notice you, you’re wrong. People don’t just do things like that because it makes them feel better. They do certain activities so everyone will look at them. Everyone knows this is true, and it is especially noticeable when it is cold out and girls still wear scarce amounts of clothing. We all get it; it is a natural human quality to want attention from others. I want as much attention as the next guy, but some need to learn how to ask for it in the right way, and applying another layer of caked-on make-up after every class is not the way to get it. Problem number one on my list is that Facebook has become a diary, and I’ll be the first person to tell anyone that. People put way too much information on their social networking pages. When others confront them about their most recent status update, they tend to become defensive, angry or hurt. It just gets to me because it’s so simple. If you don’t want people bringing that topic up, don’t put it somewhere the whole world can see. Obviously people are curious, which is a way the author thinks he or she can seek attention. The next cry for attention I see more than anything is the way people dress – females in particular. Girls, a hot body isn’t all the guy is looking for. I know for a fact seeing exposed skin isn’t something I enjoy looking at almost daily. We are at high school, not a college frat party. We don’t have anyone to impress. Even before I was dating, I didn’t care. If someone likes me, they’ll like me for who I am, not for how I look. Additionally, males seem to try to seek attention as well. Guys, having “swag” will definitely not get you all the girls you think it would, which is another wrong message Jersey Shore sends out. When I see your boxers above your jean waist line, I want to gag. Another thing that bothers me is when kids think teachers are always on their backs. The arguments I hear are normally irrelevant to the class and, quite frankly, pointless. This usually results in a trip to the office with a warning to stop talking. Since kids know there isn’t a big consequence, the only reason to keep doing it is to gain attention from their classmates. The same thing goes with fist-fighting. There are quite a few fights – this year and last year. don’t doubt someone will get punched for accidentally stealing their classmate’s pencil one day. It’s getting ridiculous, and this kind of attention is definitely not something to be proud of. Please, people, classmates of mine, consider how you’re putting yourself out there. You don’t have to cry or pretend to be someone you’re not for people to notice you. Be yourself, and I’m begging you to try different approaches for attention; everyone deserves attention as long as it’s the right kind.