Getting into Stranger Things


“Stranger Things,” one of the more popular Netflix original series, aired Aug. 31, 2016. This science-fiction phenomenon brought in over 14 million views, making the show one of the most popular shows produced on Netflix.

Some people may argue that the first couple episodes don’t catch that much interest, but sometimes the first half hour of a movie is boring, so you should just watch and see if you take interest. The more you watch, the more the plot becomes indulging to one’s brain.

“Stranger Things” has a setting in which little kids are the heroes, some having superhuman powers and opposing evil monsters taking people in the night. When Will goes missing, his friends Mike, Dustin and Lucas make it their duty and do everything in their power to find him.When the three meet a telekinetic stranger in the woods, their world becomes a bit more complicated.

With the first season only spanning a total of six to seven days, with the exception of the Christmas scene, we get a good look into the kids’ lives. In the setting of the 1980s, we see how they travel, who they see, the amount of waffles that will be eaten or how they deal with the hardships they encounter.

This nail-biting show will leave you wanting more as you come to the season finale. Many questions will go unanswered, and there’s only one way to receive the answers: wait. Shortly after the show aired and became a huge seller, Netflix released a statement announcing that there is a renewed contract for season two that will be airing in 2017.

The producer has given us some insight on recurring characters and new ones to be introduced. He has also stated that season two will give some perspective on the consequences from the events that occurred during season one.
The fact that nothing can happen without the chance of having a domino effect may be very prominent to the viewers in the upcoming season. The actions from the season finale has everyone questioning whether or not we will see a fan favorite ever again. Although many lives were saved, our hearts were not even close to being prepared for the heart-breaking scene that held us in tears.

Although 2017 is only two months away, we still aren’t sure when exactly the set date for the airing of the second season will be. Until the premiere we’ll just have to wait and see what the future of the brilliant sci-fi will bring us.