Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Grinds my gears: Cafeteria craziness

“OHHHHHH-HHHHHH-HHHH!!!!!!!” Does this sound familiar? It should. This is the noise that now echoes throughout the lunchroom nearly every single day. I don’t know if it’s the seemingly overbearing new rules that have arisen this school year, but in general, the student body is rebelling in literally any way possible, particularly in the lunch room. It all started with the clapping; a kid accidentally knocks over his metal chair only to be called out with yelling and a round of applause. For the first week or so, I’ll admit, it was amusing; I even took part. Now, though, we’ve resorted to purposefully knocking over chairs just to have this type of reaction…not to mention pounding on tables, making strange noises, throwing food, popping chip bags, smashing milk cartons and mimicking administration’s call to end lunch. When these antics aren’t enough, the air horns are brought in. Apparently we don’t need a game show assembly this year after all; our lunches are like a game themselves, with one end of the room competing to be more obnoxious than the other. How long will it take this time to get the janitor on her walkie-talkie to call for more discipline? Do you feel accomplished knowing that you’ve managed to have the whole lunch room staring as you make your piercing pterodactyl noises? Obviously some of our students are striving for attention. Every day, though? I get it; it’s “funny” and you “don’t care what people think.” But what was at first entertaining and original has now turned into ridiculously annoying to the other 99 percent of the lunch room. Sadly the annoying lunch behavior doesn’t end there. Another dilemma that is becoming more prominent is the food lines… or should I say mobs? Once organized, single-file lines have now transformed into groups of students crowding the entrances. I find this a problem particularly in the freshman-filled lunches. Are you annoyed that the cafeteria staff is practically treating us like elementary school kids, making us wait our turn to simply move forward to obtain a lunch? Maybe this is because you’ve proven to actually act like elementary school kids, unable to respectfully and maturely stand in a line. It’s gotten to the point where the whole process is taking even longer as we wait for the lines to become unclogged. It’s not even that students don’t know how to stand in a line; I’m pretty sure we’ve all mastered this skill by now. It’s that they deliberately chose not to, cutting in front of you even after they’ve sensed your annoyance. When did you become so important that you get to skip ahead in front of 15 people? My favorite endeavor to get ahead in line is the I’m-going-to-pretend-to-have-a-conversation-with-you-so-I-can-get-in-line-with-you-when-in-reality-I-care-way-more-about-eating-than-talking-to-you method. Sorry, this isn’t fooling anyone. How hard is it to wait an extra 5 minutes for your food? Unfortunately, there is no changing these behaviors regardless of what is done or said. It is obvious that authority means very little to students anymore. So go ahead, keep smashing your milk cartons: you obviously get some sort of fulfillment out of it.