Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Guilty Pleasures: Bad TV

Everyone has probably watched TV at some point in their life; there are some shows on the air right now that I love, and then there are some shows out there now that I can’t imagine anyone watching, but people do. All I’m asking is, why are some bad T.V. shows actually good? There are plenty of shows that are good, and I’m not bashing TV in general. I have just come to realize that these reality shows that people, including myself, watch are actually really dumb. Despite the fact that these shows are , I can’t bring myself to stop watching them. For example, “Call of the Wildman” is just one of these horrible, but so entertaining shows. If you haven’t seen this show yet, I’ll give you an overview. “Call of the Wildman” follows this man, nicknamed Turtle Man, in Kentucky and he goes around rescuing wild animals with his bare hands. For instance, in one of the episodes, he was called by a farmer who had a wild turkey running around in the farmer’s corn maze, and it wasn’t turkey season! Now the farmer said to Turtle Man that the turkey was scaring away the kids in the maze. Not only does that sound completely fake, but practically impossible. If anything, the turkey would run away from the scary children, not towards them. Nevertheless, Turtle Man searches the maze for the turkey, and eventually ends up finding, and catching the wild turkey with his hands. I think the producers of the show staged this whole episode. I have chickens at my house and even though they are used to me, most of them won’t let me pick them up. So I can’t imagine this guy actually caught a wild turkey, it just doesn’t seem possible. My point here is that even though this show is probably fake, I can’t stop watching. I love seeing Turtle Man go out and catch a wild animal. There are plenty of other shows like this; terrible shows that are pointless and probably fake. Again, I’m not bashing TV, because there are a bunch of good shows. I’m just wondering how these shows stay afloat season after season, even though they aren’t good. I could only come to one conclusion; we as Americans are entertained by stupid and pointless things.