Half left or half over: Students slack off as fourth quarter approaches

With the fourth nine weeks just around the corner, kids have started to relax and are taking in less information than they were towards the beginning of the year. Seemingly unaware that school won’t be getting easier any time soon.

With finals steadily approaching, students should be more focused than ever.

“I do think [kids start to relax] because it’s a more relaxed environment. We just got done with midterms and we don’t have to worry about finals until fourth nine weeks,” Sophomore Vanessa Lavalle said.

The gradually warming weather causes students to get excited for summer, but they should refrain from getting distracted on what’s really important: school. Teachers should strive to keep their students attention during this time of year so that they’ll be prepared for college and the upcoming finals. Students should try to keep away from the clouding thoughts of summer break and continue their hard work to finish the school year as strong as possible. Summer will come at the same rate it has always come at, and with the blink of an eye, it will be here. Though for now, focus on getting school work done and hand it into teachers.

“I do see [students start to relax], and I think it has to do with the weather getting warmer. As spring comes, students want to be outside doing something and not cooped inside the school working,” Mr. Edward Majors said.

But before summer, there’s an onslaught on different sports and activities that arrive for the students during spring, that keep them busy and doing everything but homework. These activities include, but aren’t limited to, musical, track and field, softball and baseball. This takes a lot of time out of their lives and also makes students want to focus on their activity rather than homework.

Students just need to remember that they’re shaping the way for their future. Even in the dwindling days of school, they’re still being graded for their 4th nine weeks. Seeing students giving up around the halfway mark even is worse than the last nine weeks. Then, they are thinking that the school year ends much earlier, when they truthfully still have another 90 days to fulfill, which are just as important as the first half of the year.

Parents also need to be pushing their kids and remind them that the school year should finished with stronger grades than when they started.

Students need to think of the year as half left rather than half over. They should push themselves and open their minds to all the information they can take in. They should also remember that the more they apply, remember, and take advantage of the teachers’ knowledge, the farther they will make it and the better off life will be for themselves.