Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Hallways: Viewer Discretion Advised

As with every sports team, school club or group of friends in Freedom, the claim is always “we’re like one big family.” If this is true, then isn’t it kind of gross to walk down a hallway and see members of a “family” making out with one another? With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, many new relationships will surely arise as a result of the fear of being single on the day of love, roses and candy hearts. Although, just because you and the new love of your life have been together for one week and are feeling the warm, internal fuzzies, don’t make that an excuse to grope each other in the hallways. Please don’t think the school population finds the routine hug and kiss greeting between couples disgusting. However, just because all of the students of the high school have breached the age of thirteen, don’t see this as a bypass to do things that can’t make it into a PG film. The general rule-of-thumb for PDA is: don’t do anything you wouldn’t be comfortable doing in front of your parents. Chances are, you probably don’t want Mom and Dad to see you shove your tongue down someone else’s throat. Things like holding hands, hugs or kisses not involving the exploration of the entire human mouth, are entirely acceptable; there’s nothing wrong with showing affection toward someone you care about. However, if you saw another couple doing what you just did in the hallway and it was vomit-inducing, your public displays of affection probably had a similar effect on others. Whether you’re in a relationship or not for this Valentine’s season – or any season for that matter – try to be considerate to the others around you. Avoid over-the-top affectionate displays, and just keep it simple, and therefore not disgusting. If your parents don’t want to see it, the student body of Freedom doesn’t want to see it either.