Homecoming 2016 Highlights

The celebrations of second annual homecoming event


When looking around the campus of Freedom Area School District on Oct. 1, one could see the celebration after months of preparation. Last year, Anna Maria Folmar changed homecoming before her passing. Folmar had a vision of a festival to create a feeling of community within the district. Mr. Dale Kline made it his job to enlist as much help as possible to make sure Freedom Area’s 2016 Homecoming was another memorable event.

The 2016 homecoming court was Kaylea Aspiotes escorted by Jarrett Boyd, Marissa Cardosi escorted by Devin Daley, Maddie Edder escorted by Michael Fricke, Madeline Kiefer escorted by Zach Greene, Meghan Kiefer escorted by Nick Henderson, Linsey Moldovan escorted by Kody Komara, Mackenzie Moldovan escorted by Kameron Mayhue, Paige Rizzi escorted by Joey Pail, Alexa Schwab escorted by Evan Sweesy and Nicole Wright escorted by Dean Ward.

The final day of homecoming week concluded with a pep rally at Bulldog Stadium. The homecoming court was introduced by Haley Greco and Bailey Alford. The court then entertained the student body with a dance to songs like “Lip Gloss,” “Ridin’,” “Milkshake,” “We’re all in This Together” and “U Can’t Touch This.” The families of the homecoming nominees were invited to Homecoming Tea Reception at the high school cafeteria. Later that evening, there was a movie night for the elementary students and dances for the middle and high school students. The adult community was invited to attend a Wing Bash sponsored by the high school football and cheer boosters.

Saturday kicked off with the second annual Freedom Homecoming 5K Race. Matthew Montellanico won the race. Jayden Sharpless, seventh grade Freedom student, was the first female finisher. The bounce house, smash car and photo booth highlighted the Homecoming Festival. Good food and fellowship filled the front of the middle school as various organizations sponsored booths for everyone to enjoy. The population of red shirts and friendly greetings created a community environment.

Freedom’s “Big Red” Marching Band led the Homecoming Parade along Third Avenue. The enthusiastic cadence and candy tossed from the high school soccer floats filled the streets with pride for the court members who were driven in convertibles owned by school board members, Mrs. Leindecker and Jen Sayre, third grade teacher, Mr. Capehart, school employee, Dana Sharpless, retired school teacher, Mr. Vince Guandolo and Freedom alumni, Mr. Vince Guandolo II.

During pregame, Joey Pail and Paige Rizzi were crowned as 2016 Homecoming King and Queen by Louis Dubovi and Emma Cumberledge, 2015 Homecoming King and Queen.The weekend was brought to a grand finale with a bonfire, music videos and a firework display that illuminated the FASD in a way Folmar would have wanted it.