Organization will improve concentration: Being organized is crucial for success

Organization will improve concentration: Being organized is crucial for success

Teaching students the importance and benefit of organization can make or break your high school career. Students need to master the skills needed to learn before they can gain knowledge.

Organization is one of the most important skills that’ll help you to get through high school. Being organized should make you feel good. When my room turns into a giant mess, I always feel better after it’s 100% clean.

If you have one notebook and folder for all of your classes, the chances of you losing important papers, notes or homework is bigger than having a separate book or folder for each class. Having a different notebook, folder, binder, etc. makes it easier to find your notes when you need to. That way, you won’t waste time looking for the notes you need to study.

Not only does organization make it easier to find important information you need, but it can reduce stress as well. It helps to keep you from losing an important paper you need to pass in. Being organized allows you to know where everything is at all times. Organization becomes more important as the level of your classes get harder.

For example, my classes are pretty hard as a senior in high school, organization is crucial to getting good grades. Many students have their own personal ways of keeping a fixed routine.

During a school year, I like to separate my books and binders into Red and White days. This is due to a lack of bookbag space, along with less items to worry about. Labeling my books and binders can help me to pick out what I need in a hurry. The more time saved looking for papers or books, the more time i have to study.

Having vast amounts of technology can also cause an issue. In the last few years here at Freedom High School, our technological capabilities have increased exponentially. With that being said, most assignments we complete are electronic. On many occasions, we tend to save documents in places we forget about. Why put all the hard work into an essay when it’ll never be found? Labeling and specified storage is one of the best ways to organize your laptop just like your bookbag.