Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

PDA: How much is too much?

Imagine that you’re walking through the school and you suddenly get a feeling that you are walking through a rated “R” movie. Public display of affection (PDA) has a certain time and place where it is acceptable, but school is not one of them. Before you go kissing your boyfriend/girlfriend, think about where you are first, and look at the people who are around you.
According to the 2013-2014 FHS Student-Parent Handbook, “Inappropriate (cuddling, innapropriate touching, excessive hugging, kissing in the hallway)display of affection is not permitted in the school setting. Students will be disciplined and parents contacted if necessary.”
School is an environment that is supposed to promote a satisfactory learning environment for everyone. You can’t tell me that you are able to really focus on your school work when you are busy kissing your significant other. Furthermore, those who are around you are most likely bothered by all of the giggling and movement from your general direction.
No one wants to see the touchy-feely couples that can be spotted when you are on the way to class. I’m happy that you people are happy and feel that way for each other, but school is supposed to be a place for learning, not for kissing your significant other. If you want to display your affection for one another, at least try thinking of place to meet up with one another where there aren’t going to be a lot of students around. But really, school isn’t the place for that anyways, especially in between classes where everyone in the school can see.
PDA can also be found on the internet. Whenever you post about your significant other on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, who are you posting it for? Obviously you want other people to notice, that is why you posted it in the first place. I know you’re just trying to show him/her off, but I’m pretty sure we know you two are dating because you post stuff like that every day of the week. You should be spending that time with each other, not taking pictures and uploading them to every social networking site there is. And please stop with making your girlfriend/boyfriend your #MCM (Man Candy Monday) or #WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday) on Instagram. Posting stuff like that is fine, but when you get to the point of doing it every week, you probably need to find some type of hobby.
I’m not saying that you have to rethink your whole relationship. It’s just that when you are out in public, remember that you are in a private relationship.Look where you are; do you really want a bunch of people staring at you? Think to yourself, “Would I do this stuff in front of my parents or grandparents?”
Bottom line, school is not an acceptable location for PDA, especially because it is against school rules. Relationships might not last forever, and you have all of the time in the world to be with your significant other. However, your school years are almost over, so make the most of it while you can, and don’t distract yourself or those around you.