Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Powder puff Football

Four teams, three games, two reasons to play, and one winner. The Powder puff football games were held on Tuesday Nov 8. Each grade was represented by a team of at least eight players. However, the sophomore team borrowed three freshmen to play for them. These players were Tina Davis, Casey Spieler and Madi Daubenspeck. “I was excited because I got to play again,” Davis said. “and I really wanted to play against Brittany Mavrich and Emilee Handyside.” Davis scored one touchdown in the freshmen versus the senior game. The other touchdown was scored by Kristy Sturgess who recovered a fumble and ran the ball over the goal line. This game ended with a senior win of 20-12. A lot of the seniors find this to be an odd coincidence since the score is their graduating year. “It was almost like perfect,” Kelsie Ralston said, “because it’s memorable that it is our graduating year.” The feisty sophomores then, thought they could take down the mighty juniors. Yet, their dreams were shut down without scoring a single touchdown. The juniors ran all over the sophomores with a final score of 22-0. Scoring touchdowns for the juniors were Tricia Johnson, Emilee Handyside, and Brooke Petcovic. Each team had coaches and one head coach. These coaches arranged afterschool practices, and came up with plays for the teams to run. The head coaches were Kyeem Moon, Johnny Fiscus, Allen Moeller and Lucas Yeck. It all came down to the championship game with only the upperclassmen participating. At halftime the score was tied at 6-6. Both teams only scoring one touchdown. Most of the second half the scores would remain tied, without another touchdown being scored. Eventually, the juniors wound up on their own 5-yard-line. Emilee Handyside would call “hike” and immediately be sacked in the end zone. Lauren Barrett, showing no mercy, wanted the victory more than anything in the world. “I got a concussion because of how rough the game was,” Barrett said, “it was a hard play to finish but I was just too determined to win the game.” Most of the girls had no idea as to what was going on when this game winning play happened. Since Handyside was tackled in the end zone, the seniors were awarded two points. This is commonly known as a safety. One individual happened to score four touchdowns that evening. Alexis Crossland was running all over the field and not a single person could catch her. “I really enjoyed doing it,” Crossland said, “it was nice to have something competitive during the off-season.” This entire event could not have happened without a motive. Of course the girls motive was to come out victorious. But the real reason was to raise money for prom. Striving for one particular powder puff team, the junior class hosted the tournament. Raising a total of $1,250, the junior class has bigger and better plans for prom. “The junior class officers did a tremendous job,” Mr. Rosa said, “plus there was a ton of interest on the students part.” However, the senior girls will no longer be playing Quaker Valley, but instead, maybe, another school’s team. Since, Quaker Valley no longer wanted to, Rosa said.