RealTalk with Raylen: Q & A with Cupid

RealTalk with Raylen: Q & A with Cupid

Q: Many people believe that you’re purely mythical. What do you have to say to them?

A: Well, I’m obviously sitting here doing this interview with you, so I really don’t understand how they could say that. Just because you can’t always see me doesn’t mean I’m not around. You are all in school together every day and, let me tell you, some of you never see each other. It’s like some of you are completely invisible to each other.

Q: What is the best part of your job?

A: I really love when I find great people to make the best and most unexpected couples. I love seeing how happy they can make each other and how they complete each other. Sometimes, being in a relationship can really bring out the best in people. It can show the sides of a person that they may not have shown before. I love making matches that make both people happier and I like seeing all of the things they learn about themselves, each other and the world around them along the way.

Q: What is your biggest regret?

A: Choosing a diaper as a uniform. Really, what was I thinking?

Q: Do you ever make mistakes when you are setting people up?

A: I’m a pretty good matchmaker, so it’s not really the pairing people up that’s hard. But, I don’t always have the aim of Katniss Everdeen, if you know what I mean.

Q: What usually ends up happening if you miss?

A: Well, one of the following three circumstances usually ends up happening: They go to the Prom together and some poor chick ends up wearing a horrendous dress and being orange; they become the couple awkwardly making out in the hallway that makes everyone cringe and uncomfortable; or, they have the complete and total trainwreck of a relationship that ends up tearing apart friend groups. There is, however, always that small chance that, despite my mistake, they’ll actually fall for each other and be great together. But, that’s a rather rare occurrence; like I said, I normally know who should go together.

Q: What did I ever do to you?

A: Oh, Raylen, your time will come, and so will that of all of the other singles. Some of you just haven’t met your match yet, and that’s OK. There are plenty of fish in the sea and FHS is like a small watering can located in the kiddie pool of Beaver County. But, you should make the most of your time being single. Have fun, spend time with your friends and just enjoy being a kid. You have the rest of your life to be in a relationship. Don’t worry so much about trying to find a soulmate in high school. Instead, spend time making memories and seizing every opportunity that piques your interest.

Q: So, Cupid, do you have any last words of advice?

A: Take things slow, but be brave. Guys, if you really like a girl and think she might be interested, take a chance. And girls, this is 2015; don’t be afraid to take the risk of asking someone out yourself. However, never text, email or IM someone an invitation, whether it be asking them on a date or to your oh-so-precious Prom. Although it might take a little more courage to ask someone face-to-face, I guarantee that they’ll be more likely to say, “Yes.”