Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Retiring performing arts teacher makes last few months count

“To be, or not to be, that is the question.” The Theater Arts department has been hard at work this year with many different productions, such as The Princess and The Princess , a murder mystery entitled Room 21 , Readers Theater with It’s a Wonderful Life , competing in Forensics, and Shakespeare competitions. Also, they got a true inside look at play writing while they spent the majority of the year learning how to write and develop plays that were entered into the Young Playwright’s competition at the Pittsburgh City Theatre. The two classes have spent the year each doing something different, but are learning everything that goes into making a play and actually performing it. These creative kids have been hard at work all year learning all the aspects of the last class of Theater Arts teacher Ms. Ross’s career. These young actors deserve to be commended on the success they have achieved. While most of the students take the class merely to have a chance to perform, others just like the change in pace and the ability to not be themselves for a little while. While they have done a lot this year, there is still more yet to come as Ms. Ross’s eighth period class performs a self-written murder mystery at the Vicary House on May 21 and on May 22; they are doing a children’s show written by Breonna Kopac. This is not the first children’s show this class has done: a few months ago they put on a play called The Princess and the Princess at Big Knob Elementary School. They also did a readers’ theater production of the Jimmy Stewart classic, It’s a Wonderful Life . Also, they are going to perform two plays written by Crysta Clear and Miranda Pfeiffer. The sixth period class is doing a play called The Brick and the Rose , and they are also going to put on a readers’ theater showcase with plays written by four freedom students: Nolan Rider, Samantha Smith, Suzanne Hasenflu and Julie Scheller. These plays were selected by a dramaturg and Ms. Ross in order to give the young playwrights some well-deserved time in the spot light.