Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

SAT: stressed, anxious, tense

There are certain things every high school student dreads during his or her career. For some it may be passing a specific course or maybe something simple like finding a date to prom. I think it is safe to say that for everyone taking the SAT, it is definitely towards the top of the “things every high school student dreads” pyramid. The Scholastic Aptitude Test, or the SAT for short, is by far the most important exam you will ever take during your twelve-year run — mainly because it could make or break the colleges into which you get accepted. On the test, there are a variety of questions and a total of 10 sections you must complete. These sections consist of literature, grammar and mathematics. But don’t fret! The wonderful thing about the SATs is that if you are not satisfied with your score, you can easily sign up and take it again on a certified test date. On Saturday March 9, Freedom will be a testing location for the exam. This is when most juniors (like myself) will be taking the SAT for the first time. Thankfully many of our teachers have been drilling certain practice questions and potential vocabulary into our brains since the moment we stepped into the building freshman year. WARNING: this is not an excuse to bomb or not take the test seriously. Now a days, many colleges look more at your grade point average and class rank as opposed to how you did on the SAT. Keep in mind though the test is still a huge factor in college acceptance. Though at times while preparing it may seem next to impossible, still try your best to relax before the test. If you are taking the exam on March 9, make sure you come prepared with number two pencils, two calculators and a small snack to eat during one of the breaks. Don’t forget that College Board, who sponsors the exam, offers free test questions sent right to your email every day to help you study and prepare. Consider signing up for that; it can’t hurt you. In the end, this test will have a definite impact on your future. Just remember to relax, try your best and be confident that all of the hard work you have put into your education will pay off.