Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Spring is in like a lamb out like a lion

“March: in like a lion, out like a lamb.” This saying definitely describes our most recent March, which also began the season of spring. This saying means the beginning of March is rough because of the cold, but then it gets better and warms up. In our case, it is completely the opposite. March came in as a lion, if you could compare 80 degrees to such an animal. It also went out like a lamb, meaning it cooled down a good 20 to 30 degrees. I love the warmth. In my opinion, 80 degree weather is where it’s at. Since it was unusually hot outside, I embraced the opportunity–as we all should. Spring is here, which means you should be taking advantage of warm weather activities. I really love to jump on the trampoline. With this lovely weather, you should get together with some friends to exercise, get your heart going and laugh a little. The sun sets later and later every day, so you have even longer to be outside. Go out for a picnic or take a walk in a park. You can’t limit yourself to watching TV or lying in bed on Facebook all day. You can even do things as simple as sitting on a swing or reading a book. There are plenty of activities you can conjure up while being outside Spring also means shorts, skirts, beaters, T-shirts, sundresses and flip flops. This isn’t my favorite part, but it may be the most exciting. I love wearing shorts and beaters. Flip flops are the best too because my feet aren’t hot all day; they can breathe. Although these ideas sound good, my favorite thing about spring is that it means summer is coming. Even though it isn’t fun to most teenagers and even some adults, one of my favorite parts about spring is cleaning. You have to get all your spring and summer clothes out from boxes or bins and put away the winter attire. While doing this, it is the perfect time to clean up your closet, drawers and your whole room. When I get done cleaning the house and my room, I feel clean. I feel like the air smells better, like spring. Finally, being able to get outside after sitting indoors for months is another one of my favorite parts about spring. One day, my sister and I were bored, so we went outside and cleaned the inside and out of three cars. Even though it took work to clean the cars, the weather made it worth the work. The birds chirp when I wake up in the morning, and the sun protrudes through my window, reminding me of what is waiting for me outside. You shouldn’t take it for granted; one day it can be 80 degrees, but the next it could be 50, so get out there.