Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Strong in their section

Despite having only a few games under their belt, the boys’ baseball team proves very optimistic for the upcoming season. As of April 14, the team holds a record of 3-1 in the section. They lost to South Fayette, but defeated Seton Lasalle, North Gate, and Sto-Rox. Though off to a considerably good start, the boys had faced slight complications with practices due to recent weather conditions. The team only managed to practice outside a few times; the remaining practices, which are held daily aside from Fridays and Sundays, had to take place in the middle school gym. The bipolar weather had its perks, however. “Our game with Western Beaver was rained out, so we went to the middle school and played a full 9-inning game of wiffle ball with teams of 9 guys each,” Junior Zeke Stroupe said. “It was pretty fun; I can’t say that’s ever happened in the three years I’ve been playing.” This season called for other firsts as well: the section in which the team previously played was switched. “Now we’re the only team from Beaver County in the section,” said Francis O’Connor. The boys will now have to compete against teams they’ve never played before. However, the team is up for the challenge and plans on having a successful season; many members say that they expect to make the playoffs. “I think this season will be amazing; I think we’ll be over 500,” said Riley Schwertz. This means that the team will win more than half of their games. Stroupe agrees. “Both the high school and JV teams will be well over 500.”