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Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Videogame Review: Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City

A new Resident Evil game came out called Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Personally, I didn’t think it lived up to the awesomeness of the Resident Evil name. I didn’t hate it; I just think it was a new feel to the Resident Evil game play. So far there are four Resident Evil films, five if you count the animated film–I don’t. I believe there are 26 Resident Evil games. I’m not exactly sure because there are so many. In any event, this newest Resident Evil is the only one so far where you play as the bad guys. If you have ever seen any of the movies or played any of the games then you know about the Umbrella Corporation. Umbrella Corporation is what starts the zombie apocalypse, and in Operation Raccoon City, you play as a special team who fights for Umbrella. I didn’t really like this Resident Evil too much for a couple of reasons. First of all, it was too online based. Most games have a campaign, which is normally for one player. To me, it felt like the makers of this game didn’t want that at all. The entire game is set up with a main character and three partners. You can play by yourself, but if your game isn’t private, anyone can join you whenever. One thing that made me mad was how short the story was. There are only seven missions, and the whole game can be beaten in one sitting. That’s just not right. Also, there is a leveling system, but as you level nothing really changes. In most games, you unlock things as you level, but not in this one. You can get new guns and special abilities, but you can get them at any time. There is a versus mode. It’s not the best, but it is kind of fun. There are four different game types: team attack, biohazard, heroes and survival. Each game type is two teams of four. Let’s start with team attack. It is basically the same thing as team death match, just four versus four and the first team to get so many kills wins. One unique thing about this game’s multiplayer is that it is not just your team versus another; there are also zombies all over the place. That makes it kind of fun and interesting. The next game type is called biohazard. It is similar to a capture-the-flag game. There are canisters of the virus and you and your team need to capture them and take them to your base. This type is also four versus four. The third game type is heroes. If you play Call of Duty, it is kind of like Search and Destroy. Basically, you don’t respawn after you die and you need to eliminate the enemy team. This is probably my least favorite game type. The last game type is called survival and this one is fun. It is also two teams of four. The point is to get the helicopter and make it out before the other team does. It is pretty fun, but I think they could have made it last longer because it is a pretty fast round. Overall this game wasn’t that good. If you aren’t a die-hard Resident Evil fan, it probably isn’t worth more than 20 dollars. I give Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City 4 out of 10 stars.